Hi everybody. Every gamer want to be the best gamer but the problem is every gamer has'nt got a good computer. A lot people says "Computers are so expensive" but this is not TRUE...

      It is not because if we start to create a new computer we find a lot of computer trademark. ASUS, DELL, CASPER, EXPER....... List is going to eternity. But how we get started?? First of all you must find the good and durable computer case. If you are play computer 10+ hours in a day your case fans must be strong or you must choose water-cooled case. You don't want to your case on flames.

      In the second you need a quality mainboard. Not every pieces are compatible with every mainboard so you must be careful to choose yours. Good and durable mainboards are little expensive but you must sacrifice your money to have a good computer. The next is the CPU. If your CPU is low you can't take a good performance from your PC but if your CPU is very fast .... flames again!! 3.2 Ghz CPU is fine for your computer and DON'T OVERLOAD IT. 

        The next one is the RAM. Here is the idea; Your RAM is like your room. If your room is big enough you will be comfortable. If your room is little your furnitures don't fit in it. Then you must buy 8 GB RAM. This RAM size is enough for every game in our days.

         Next and the last one is the GRAPHIC CARD. We have two big producer. Nvidia and GeForce. Some gamers choose Nvidia but some gamers choose the other one. The great thing is this two producer are make a good graphic card so you must choose one of two.

        Here is the Trick! If you like play strategy games you choose the RAMPAGE GAMER SET but if you like to play the action games or RPG you must choose the RAZER GAMER SET.


